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Home Rule Counties

Many counties have passed Home Rule charters, which empower the county to combine offices, change elected offices to appointments, or otherwise alter the duties of some county offices. 

Section Section Name
11-09.1-01 Methods of proposing home rule charter
11-09.1-02 Charter commission ‑ Membership ‑ Preparation and submission of charter ‑ Compensation and expenses ‑ Publication
11-09.1-03 Submission of charter to electors
11-09.1-04 Ratification by majority vote ‑ Supersession of existing charter and conflicting state laws ‑ Filing of copies of new charter
11-09.1-04.1 Multicounty home rule
11-09.1-05 Powers
11-09.1-05.1 Sales tax revenue transfer to school districts prohibited
11-09.1-06 Amendment or repeal
11-09.1-07 Commission ‑ Terms of office ‑ Vacancies
11-09.1-08 Restriction on proposals to amend or repeal
11-09.1-09 Manner of calling and holding elections
11-09.1-10 Effect of amendment or repeal on salary or term of office
11-09.1-11 General powers preserved
11-09.1-12 Vested property ‑ Rights of action ‑ Actions saved
11-09.1-13 Enforcement of criminal penalties
11-09.1-14 Payment of expenses for indigent defense services