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Co Financial Partnerships

Drug & Alcohol Testing 
Using a "county testing pool," this program administered by the Global Safety Network helps reduce the cost and administrative burden of mandatory drug & alcohol testing of county road employees.

Live Healthy U.S. Counties 
Discount Programs for Prescription - Health and Dental

Official Payments 
Provides online property tax and fee payment solutions to local government.

Omnia Partners Purchasing Agreements 
Omnia Partners is a nationwide purchasing cooperative designed to be a procurement resource. As a registered participant of the program, ND counties can access a broad line of competitively solicited contracts which provide quality products, services and solutions.

U.S. Communities "Go Green" 
U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance Go Green Program is the one-stop source for public agency access to buy and live green.


ND Century Code 

ND Constitution 

ND Legislative Assembly 

ND Legislative Council 


County Extension Office Information 
Quick reference to each county extension office.

Garrison Diversion 

National Association of Counties 

Nationwide Retirement Solutions (NRS) 

ND Association of County Engineers 

ND League of Cities 

ND SACCHO - ND State Association of City and County Health Officials 
The purpose of ND SACCHO is to improve coordination of local public health department efforts across the state, enhance consistent messaging and education, improve training and advocacy and share best practices.

NDACo Resources Group (NRG) 
Information Technology (IT) services and purchasing. From technology plans to installs, NRG is your resource for quality technical service.

NDSU Center for Community Vitality 

Western Dakota Energy Association 
Consortium of counties, cities and school districts in the energy producing area of our state.

State Government

Abandoned Motor Vehicle Program 
Offers assistance in the collection of abandoned motor vehicles and other scrap metals.

Child Support Enforcement: Employer Info 
Information for employers on the collection of child support from employee wages.

Child Support Online Services 
Online services access for child support enforcement.

Election Services 
NDACo has worked in partnership with the ND Secretary of State's Office to deliver the nation's top ranked election services to our citizens, including administering the Help America Vote Act and informing the public of Voter Identification laws.

ND Housing Finance Agency 

Demonstrates leadership and a world-wide reputation as a paramount resource in the development and transfer of innovative technology, proven solutions, and reliable services to preserve and enhance highway, road, and street systems infrastructure for the people and transportation providers of the region, North Dakota and the transportation community.

ND State Government 
The official website for North Dakota state government.

State Procurement Office 
Cooperative Purchasing agreements for everything from Actuarial and Ammunition to Vehicles and Wiring

State Surplus Property 
The purpose of ND State Surplus Property is to reutilize, recycle and redistribute federal and state surplus property. Taxpayer money is saved by transferring property to eligible entities and disposing of electronic waste (e-waste) in a safe and responsible manner.

Useful Data

County Maps for Sale 
ND Dept. of Transportation site with maps that are available for purchase.

County Newspapers 

Detailed Online County Maps 
PDF maps of each county. Highly detailed, and reveal more information as you zoom in.

Frequently Asked Questions 

ND Compass 
By tracking and analyzing trends in areas that affect our quality of life, Compass gives everyone in our state – policymakers, business and community leaders, and concerned individuals who live and work here – a common foundation to act on issues to improve our communities.

State Data Center 
State resource for economic and demographic statistics.

US Census Bureau 
Resource for national census statistics.

USDA Digital Data Gateway 
Explore this website and discover how simple it can be to receive a variety of map layers including soil map coverage of your county.

USDA Web Soil Survey 
A wealth of soil information is contained within this website, giving visitors the opportunity to explore in a digital mapping environment.