First Ever Commissioners Summit Provides Unique Experience

by Donnell Preskey, Government/Public Relations Specialist
For the first time in nearly 40 years, North Dakota County Commissioners had their own day to learn and network as commissioners. In March, 78 County Commissioners from 43 counties attended the first-ever North Dakota County Commissioners Association (NDCCA) Summit.
“The great attendance at the County Commissioners Summit shows the importance of getting folks in the same room to discuss issues and, more importantly, work on solutions,” said NDACo Executive Director Aaron Birst.
Recognizing that other county member associations hold conferences throughout the year, the NDCCA Board of Directors voted to dedicate an event to provide commissioners with the same learning opportunity. The agenda was dedicated to commissioner related topics ranging from resources available to commissioners, transportation funding opportunities, legislative outlook, human resources, finding efficiencies in county government along with discussion on the proposed property tax elimination measure. Almost just as important as the topics was the time for county leaders from across the state to get together to talk about opportunities and challenges.
“Networking is vital to finding solutions to complex problems that counties and local governments are facing across North Dakota. The County Commissioners Summit provided county commissioners a great opportunity to become “network” leaders,” said NDCCA President Joan Hollekim of Mountrail County.
Birst continued, “County Commissioners play such a critical role in delivering essential services and with all the issues facing county government today, it’s even more important to find out what others are doing to ensure the most effective delivery of those services.”
Other commissioners also found the Summit valuable in both the content offered and networking time with fellow commissioners. Many comments submitted after the Summit focused on the desire to continue the event.
Hollekim added, “I was most pleased with the participation during panel discussions; I believe everyone’s opinion was valued. Just as important, the Summit provided quality education to local leaders on important topics. I heard many positive comments, and many expressed the need to continue with this gathering of county leaders. Because the Summit was a success, it is the ND County Commissioners Association’s intent to host a summit each year.”
NDCCA gathers at the NDACo Annual Conference every year. In addition, commissioners attend County Day at the Capitol during legislative years. NDACo Executive Director Aaron Birst will be working with staff to determine other value-added opportunities for North Dakota County Officials.
The NDCCA was formed in 1905 to serve and support the interests of North Dakota's 231 county commissioners. NDCCA and NDACo started holding joint annual meetings in 1986 which are held at the NDACo Annual Conference in October.