ND Commissioners Association Plans Summit
![ND Commissioners Association Plans Summit](/image/cache/Ward_7-27-21_Commissioners_Convention.jpg)
North Dakota County Commissioners are about to do something they haven’t done since 1985: Have their own meeting, not in conjunction with any other county officials.
Mark your calendars
County Commissioners Summit: March 20, 2024.
At the December meeting of the ND County Commissioners Association (NDCCA) Board of Directors, members agreed that commissioners across the state should hear from key players in state government and other thought leaders and have a chance to confer with them and each other on issues like the new NDPERS retirement system, state audits of counties, and various funding topics.
In legislative years, the County Day at the Capitol is held in March, so this off-year presents a great opportunity for a meeting on interim legislative work and other issues of concern to commissioners.
To be clear, this event is not displacing the Annual Meeting. Annual Meetings are held in October to discuss and vote on legislative resolutions and to elect officers to the NDCCA Board. The Summit planned for March will focus exclusively on policy issues.
A tentative agenda is being developed, and will include panel discussions with thought leaders on a variety of issues concerning county government, such as elections, retirement and more.
Commissioners formed the NDCCA in 1905 and have held annual meetings every year since then. The annual meetings of NDACo and NDCCA were first combined into one event in 1986.
Register for the Summit at www.ndcca.org/summitregistration.