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ILG Webinar Videos Library

If you miss a webinar and would like to view it at a later date you can request an online video recording. A personalized online link, username and password is emailed to the attendee and the individual can view the recording at their fingertips! Each individual that would like to view a recording will need to contact ILG to receive a personalized link, username & password. Email Alisha for your request today at

Courses are listed in alphabetical order:

2025 NDPERS: What You Need to Know about Enrollment Options and How to Plan for Implementation  (1 Hour) - All political subdivisions participating in NDPERS will begin enrolling their new employees in the new Defined Contribution Plan beginning January 1, 2025. Learn more about enrollment options for your employees, implementation of the new defined contribution plan for your county, and decisions that need to be made this year.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

A Local Governing Body's Role in the Conduct & Regulation of Charitable Gaming (2 Hours) - Games of chance, or "gambling" as most might say, have been popular for centuries. Over the years these games have evolved and in the State of North Dakota, that remains true. In the recent legislative sessions, many shifts have occurred in gaming. There have been new game types, regulations, and technologies. These updates and changes for North Dakota will be the topic of this presentation with the core focus on the local governing body's role in regulating Charitable Gaming's conduct, presence, and scope.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Basics of Fund Accounting (1 Hour) - Learn about the basics of fund accounting and recommended best practices for tracking county revenue and expenses. Updated live webinar coming May 2025!
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Behavioral Health 360 - Mental Health and Wellbeing Self-Care (1 Hour) - This webinar will introduce you to the National Association of Counties and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Behavioral Health 360 program which focuses on the prevention and early intervention of mental and substance use disorders. Join us as we learn how CredibleMind, a digital self-care platform, works with you to provide a consolidated place to showcase local resources alongside general mental health information. Register today to explore the many benefits of working with CredibleMind.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Bidding Your Projects (1.5 Hours) - So you want to undertake a new project at the Courthouse or buy that new fancy grader, well not so fast! Before you make that next big purchase, attend this ILG webinar to find out what legal requirements you must follow.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Budgeting Changes for Expiring Road Levies (.5 Hour) - Voters in over 30 counties granted approval to extend additional tax levy authority for expiring road levies. Learn about closing out the expired levy funds and how your county’s budget will be affected going forward. Calculations for the portion to be shared with cities will be discussed as well as options for how to account for road and bridge revenue and expenses in your 2025 budgets.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JAN 2025): Shift Work Sleeping Disorder (.5 Hour) - Many county employees are employed in positions that require shift work, such as our law enforcement and corrections professionals. Shift work presents a number of safety and health challenges, including Shift Work Sleeping Disorder (SWSD). Join us as we discuss the symptoms and causes of SWSD and what we can do to prevent and mitigate it. 
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (FEB 2025): Workplace Safety Inspections (.5 Hour) - From time to time, workers may be asked to conduct a workplace safety inspection. Join us as we discuss why these periodic inspections are important, how to conduct a worksite safety inspection, and tips and tricks to make the inspection process effective.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (MAR 2025): Workplace Stretching (.5 Hour) - One of the most effective things we can do to help prevent strains and other musculoskeletal disorders is to stretch. The more prepared our body is for the requirements of our work day, the less risk of injury. Join us as we discuss how incorporating a little bit of stretching into our work day can help to prevent us from getting hurt. 
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JAN 2024): Introduction to Accident Investigations (.75 Hour) - Workplace injuries happen. When they do, one of the most effective tools we have to prevent them from happening again is the accident investigation. In this webinar we will discuss the importance of accident investigation, the basics of the Systems Approach and the 5-Step process of investigating a workplace injury, and familiarize attendees with the CEG dashboard to report those investigations.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (FEB 2024): Root Cause Analysis - The 5 Whys Method (.75 Hour) - This webinar will build on the Introduction to Accident Investigations webinar from January 2024. Root cause analysis is the keystone of the Systems Approach to accident investigation, and while it may sound easy on it’s face, true root causes can be tricky devils to find. We will explore the 5 Why’s Method, define terms like “proximal root cause” and “method of injury,” and give many examples of the 5 Why’s in action.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (MAR 2024): Effective Corrective Actions (.75 Hour) - This webinar will build on the Introduction to Accident Investigations webinar from January 2024. Once root causes have been identified, we can now fix them and prevent future accidents and injuries from happening. We will explore the concept of controls and examine why some controls are more effective than others. We will discuss the importance of corrective actions conforming to the SMART principle, and learn how to use the SMART principle to design our corrective actions.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (APR 2024): Workstation Ergonomics for Office Workers (.5 Hour) - A lot of county employees spend a large portion of their day at computer workstations. While there is no single “correct” posture or arrangement of components that will fit everyone, there are basic design goals that will significantly reduce those employees risk of ergonomic injuries and cumulative trauma disorders. Following some basic ergonomic rules of thumb should help you to be more comfortable and more productive at work! Join us as we talk the basics of workstation design. 
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (MAY 2024): Cutting Edge Replacement (.5 Hour) - Replacing cutting edges on equipment is a necessary and unavoidable task that often results in injuries to our highway department workers. In this webinar, we will examine why the injuries are occurring, and discuss effective corrective actions that we can take to help mitigate and prevent these injuries.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JUNE 2024): Colors: How Hi-Vis Clothing Can Save Your Life (.5 Hour) - Summer is synonymous with road work in North Dakota and is a wonderful opportunity to see our state tree: coniferous trafficus. Crack sealing, weed spraying, culvert work, traffic stops and other similar tasks near the traveling public expose our great County employees to lots of risk. This webinar will look at the who, what, and when of Hi-Vis to help us ensure that our friends and colleagues are working as safely as possible. 
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (JULY 2024): Flammable Liquid Storage (.75 Hour) - Many shops and maintenance facilities require the use and storage of flammable liquids such as gasoline, diesel, paint thinner, propane and other similar materials. This webinar will focus on the best practices associated with storing these materials safely.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (AUG 2024): Fire Extinguishers in the Workplace (.5 Hour) - This webinar will discuss the basics of fire extinguishers: where they should be positioned, how they should be mounted and marked, the basics of operations, and how to conduct a monthly inspection.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (SEPT 2024): ATV/UTV Lessons Learned (.5 Hour) - ATV/UTV use presents significant hazards to County employees. Join us as we discuss some recent incidents and the best practices we can incorporate to help mitigate the risks of using these vehicles.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (OCT 2024): Winter Slip/Trip/Fall Prevention (.5 Hour) - Slips, trips, and falls on snow or ice is the single most frequent cause of injury requiring medical attention for county employees. Join us as we review the basics of prevention and take a first look at some new resources the CEG will be sharing with the counties to help prevent these injuries.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (NOV 2024): Safe Lifting (.5 Hour) - According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics more than one million workers suffer from workplace injuries caused by heavy lifting each year. Nationally, this fact accounts for nearly 1 out of every 3 workers compensation claims and 36% of workplace injuries requiring days away from work. In this webinar we will discuss the ergonomics of lifting things safely, as well as controls that we can implement in order to reduce the rate of injuries and better protect our employees. 
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

CEG Monthly Safety Moment (DEC 2024): Bloodborne Pathogens in Law Enforcement and Corrections (.75 Hour) - One of the most frequent claims in county government involves the potential exposure to a bloodborne pathogen by a law enforcement or corrections officer. Join us as we learn about some common pathogens, discuss how these exposures frequently occur using real life examples, identify effective exposure control strategies, identify the steps to take when a potential exposure occurs, and discuss the best practices for reporting and documenting these incidents. While this particular webinar is focused specifically for employees in the law enforcement and corrections sector, this webinar may be informative and useful to other employees that face the hazard of potential exposures, such as human services personnel and facilities and maintenance staff.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Competitive Bidding and First Amendment Issues for ND Counties (1 Hour) - The NDIRF will bring in Brian D. Schmidt, partner and attorney at Smith Porsburg, Schweigert, Armstrong, Modlenhauer & Smith, to further discuss competitive bidding and first amendment issues North Dakota political subdivisions may encounter. Brian produces legal articles for each of the NDIRF’s quarterly Participator newsletters – which are available at (Reference Section) – and earlier wrote about these topics in the Spring 2022 and Summer 2022 Participator newsletters.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Conducting Meetings (2 Hours) - Meetings can often get off track and take on a life of their own. This webinar will help you hold professional and efficient meetings by providing you with information about requirements of public meetings, meeting agendas and parliamentary procedure. We will also cover the importance of meeting minutes. Please join us and get your questions answered!
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Contract Review Discussion (1 Hour) - Designed for state’s attorneys, city attorneys, and local government professionals who review or approve contracts, the NDIRF’s Contract Review Discussion featuring Attorney Howard Swanson of Swanson and Warcup will help you identify language to be on the lookout for within contracts so that you can best negotiate terms and conditions on behalf of your entity. Teeing up the presentation for Swanson is NDIRF Director of Underwriting Jeff Tescher who will review the types of contract-related actions that are covered through your entity’s NDIRF coverage and how and when to report an incident to the NDIRF.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

County Budgeting 101 & Mill Levy Essentials (1 Hour) - Learn about the basics of the county budget process and timeline, the role of commissioners and department heads, and how mill levies are calculated to support your budget. We will walk you through the maximum mill levy worksheets and provide guidance on gathering the information needed to create a budget and accurate levy. Updated live webinar coming May 2025!
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

County Records Management (1 Hour) - This webinar will describe the processes involved with the retention and disposal of records as part of the county records management program. Specific topics include maintaining an accurate retention schedule, completing yearly records disposals (both paper and electronic records), and transferring records with historical value to the State Archives. Note for Recorders: This webinar completes your "Records Management" training requirement.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

County Risk Management Services Available from the NDIRF (1 Hour) - Through your County’s NDIRF membership, you gain access to various risk management training and resources. From free online or in-person defensive driving courses (DDC) to thousands of free online local government professional development courses, we’re always looking for ways to help support your County’s efforts to help reduce risk and enhance operational effectiveness and efficiencies. During this session, our Director of Member Services Corey Olson will walk you through each of services we provide so you can learn how to implement them into your County’s risk management program.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

County School Superintendent Training (3 Hours) - This webinar training provides pertinent information to county superintendents, state's attorneys, and other county officials regarding basic expectations and duties, reorganizations, annexations, and dissolutions.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Creating Accountability that Works (1.5 Hours) - Research shows that there is a link between the results organizations achieve and the level of accountability being carried out throughout the company. In this webinar participants will learn how they can put accountability into daily action and discover how to cultivate accountability in others.
Cost: $50 per County Official & Employees

Crucial Conversations for Employee Performance (1.5 Hours) - It is human nature to avoid tough conversations, but the truth is that crucial conversations are a necessary part of a successful organization. In this webinar, participants will learn some tips for handling those difficult conversations that are needed in order to address employee performance issues with confidence and competence.
Cost: $50 per County Official & Employee

Cybersecurity and Your County: From Mitigation Tactics to Coverage Solutions  (1 Hour) - The NDIRF has partnered up with NRG Technology Services to bring you this cybersecurity session during which we’ll review common types of cyber attacks and mitigation tactics your county can take to reduce the chance of a cybersecurity or data breach incident, and discuss how NDIRF coverage responds should this type of incident occur. The NDIRF will also review its program through which counties can obtain a rate reduction for implementing three cybersecurity measures available free from the North Dakota Information Technology (NDIT). 
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Dealing with Difficult Personalities (1.25 Hours) - Difficult people or situations exist in every workplace. Knowing how to deal with them effectively is essential. This training will help you learn how to identify personality or behavioral characteristics that can make some people difficult to get along with. In turn, you will gain helpful tips and techniques to deal with these individuals in an effective manner.
Cost: $40 per County Official & Employees

Did You Know: It's Fun to Walk Through the Sales Ratio Study?! (1.5 Hours) - We are going to walk through the Sales Ratio Study process with our newly created “Walker” County. We will go through the entire sales ratio process including entering deed information into the Schedule BX, calculating the sales ratio, reviewing the ratio adjustment worksheet completing a change in true and full value worksheet, pulling change information into the Supplementary Abstract, and completing an Assessment Abstract.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Did You Know: There is a lot that goes into the SPC and TLR abstracts. (1 Hour) - We will be reviewing a brief history of the SPC and TLR abstracts, learning the differences between the two abstracts, discussing how the information is used, reviewing common mistakes found in these abstracts, understanding how to convert the abstracts into files that TAP will accept, and finding great resources available to aid in this process.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Did You Know: The Farm Residence Exemption is Complex (1 Hour) - We will be having an in-depth conversation about everything related to the farm residence exemption. We will touch on the different applicant categories, the available guidelines, new flow charts, how the income worksheet works, and more.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Did You Know: The HPC and DVC Programs Have Been Helping Taxpayers for a Long Time? (1.25 Hours) - We will be looking at how to complete the application, how to transfer that information over to the abstract, and how to upload your abstract into TAP so that your county can be reimbursed.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Did You Know: The Agricultural Land Review Process Requires a Variety of Information (1 Hour) - We will discuss the types of information we request, what we compare the supplied information to, and what we are looking for.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Did You Know: Mobile Homes are Treated the Same, but Different, When it Comes to Property Tax (1 Hour) - We are going to look at everything relating to Mobile Homes, including the application for registration, the valuation process, quarterly reports, and the tax process.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Ethics in County Government (1.5 Hours) - Don't let ethical dilemmas grind you down. Tune into this fun and interactive webinar to put your brain and heart to the test to help guide your decision making into the future to ensure you are ready for the next challenge.Note for Commissioners: This webinar completes your "Ethics" training requirement.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

First Glimpse: 2024 NDIRF Financial Review (1 Hour) - Get a first glimpse of the NDIRF’s 2024 financial performance and review of claim trends from the past year as well as tips to help strengthen your county’s risk management practices to reduce claims. This session will also feature updates on the North Dakota State Fire and Tornado Fund, which provides property coverage for North Dakota counties.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Focused Job Interviewing for Best Results (1 Hour) - What can you ask and what kinds of questions do you need to avoid when conducting a job interview. How do you structure an interview and how do you organize interview questions to obtain critical information from job candidates. This webinar will explore the concept of “behavioral based” interview techniques which operates on the premise that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. It will help organizations establish an interview process that will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and at the same time maintain legal integrity.
Cost: $35 per County Official & Employees

GIS Program Overview (1 Hour) - This webinar will provide details on the services offered by the NEW GIS Program and introduce you to the team responsible for launching the program in April of 2022.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar JAN 2025 (.25 Hour) - What to do in January to prepare for February. (Farm Residence Exemption Information, Assessment Book Dates, Mid-Winter Workshop, Homestead Property Credit (HPC) and Disabled Veteran Credit (DVC) Abstracts, and Scheduling Board of Equalization Meetings)
Cost: FREE

Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar FEB 2025 (.25 Hour) - What to do in February to prepare for March. (Sales Ratio Schedule BX (ASRBX) Abstract, Notices of Increase, Local Board of Equalization Meeting Information, Meeting Minutes Information, and Spring Class Reminder.)
Cost: FREE

Got 15?! Office of State Tax Commissioner Monthly Webinar MAR 2025 (.25 Hour) - What to do in March to prepare for April. (Assessment Book Reviews, Mobile Home Quarter Reports, and Homestead Property Credit (HPC) and Disabled Veteran Credit (DVC) Abstract.)
Cost: FREE

Hiring & Application Process (1.5 Hours) - Our employees are our #1 asset! County government provides services to our taxpayers; without qualified people we can’t provide those services. In many areas across the state we are operating in an “employee’s market”. It has become increasingly hard to find qualified and committed employees. This session will cover the basic process to fill vacancies in your county, provide tips for those hard-to-fill jobs, and provide an overview of the technical tasks such as writing the job advertisement and applying Veteran’s Preference.
Cost: $50 to County Officials & Employees

Hiring the Right People (1.25 Hours) - The right person on your team will add value and the wrong person can easily destroy it. Interviewing should never be left to pure intuition alone or to an unprepared individual. This training discusses the importance of how to effectively prepare for and conduct an interview and select the right candidate to join your team.
Cost: $40 to County Officials & Employees

How States and Local Governments can Take Advantage of Energy Credits (1 Hour) - The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 offers new and improved incentives related to renewable and energy efficient construction projects. For the first time, government and other tax exempt entities can benefit from these tax incentives. Recently, the Internal Revenue Service published guidance on how governments can claim these direct payments. During this webinar, we will review available tax incentives and how governmental entities can monetize these incentives. Topics include Energy Credits, Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

HR Responsibilities for County Officials - Part 1 (1.5 Hours) - The HR Function in local government has become increasingly complex! Gone are the days when “HR” meant you were simply talking about payroll and benefits. Join us for this 2-part series where we break it down for you in an easy to understand format. Human Resources Management essentially has two dimensions: The technical side of HR and the not-so-technical side… also called Strategic HR. Part 1 will focus on an overview of Technical HR – terms and labor laws you need to recognize, resources to help you dig deeper when needed, and key HR processes within every organization. These are the building blocks. A basic grasp of Technical HR is needed in order for county officials to fulfill an even more important role… the not-so-technical side of things is where our county leaders can *shine*! Be sure to join us for Part 2 to learn more.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

HR Responsibilities for County Officials - Part 2 (1.25 Hours) - Part 2 in this series is all about the not-so-obvious side of the HR function. This requires us to look beyond the administrative tasks of payroll and benefits, policy manuals and labor regulations to see a bigger picture and create a bigger plan. Plan = Strategy. Strategic Human Resources is all about linking the HR function to the overall goals of the County. We often have this feeling that we are trying to do more with less. Does your county or department have a long-term plan to counter those thoughts? Have you thought beyond this year’s budget or next month’s meeting? What is it that helps us recruit and retain qualified and happy employees? What is your role in all of this? Strategic Human Resources does not need to be an overwhelming, abstract concept. Whether you’re a brand new official or a veteran who’s been around for a while, you can contribute to future growth and success by focusing on strategic decisions. We will cover key tips for helping you become a strategic thinker invested in your county’s well-being.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Identifying the Essential Functions of a Job is Essential for Employment Documentation (1 Hour) - Accurate and complete documentation of employee performance is vital to support your employment decisions. An updated, accurate, and thorough job description explaining the essential functions of a job is the first step to ensuring your employee documentation will withstand scrutiny. Clearly conveyed expectations will likely lead to a better workplace and can also be an employer’s best defense against a wrongful termination lawsuit. This session will address why clear communication about job expectations and performance will not only save you from headaches in day-to-day operations, but also may be your best friend if your political subdivision is sued. This session is sponsored by the NDIRF and will be led by attorney Brian D. Schmidt of Smith, Porsborg, Schweigert, Armstrong, Moldenhauer, and Smith law firm.
Cost: FREE ~ Sponsored by NDIRF

I'm a Notary...Now What? (1.25 Hours) - As a commissioned notary public, you are an important officer of the State and are depended on to perform notarial acts accurately, truthfully, and with integrity. Learn the basics of performing notarial acts, dos and don’ts, common mistakes made by notaries public, and reasons documents may be rejected by various parties. You will also gain insight on electronic notarizations and remote notarizations, which have become more common over the last few years.
Cost: FREE

Law Enforcement Open Records (1 Hour) - The first part of this training provides a comprehensive overview of open records laws in North Dakota as outlined in the North Dakota Century Code. The second part focuses on law enforcement responsibilities under the laws and highlights frequently applicable exemptions relating specifically to law enforcement. The third part of the training provides legislative updates from the 2023 legislative session.
Cost: FREE

Managing Records in Email (.75 Hour) - This presentation will help you recognize, organize, and protect records in your email box. It contains helpful tips on using the technology available in Outlook (or other email solution) and industry standard electronic filing techniques to keep your email box manageable and save time and stress while ensuring the integrity, accessibility, and protection of public records and properly managing retention.
Cost: FREE

Navigating the Complexities of Delinquent Tax Foreclosures (1 Hour) - This webinar will discuss the timelines and requirements of the delinquent tax foreclosure process. We will cover the steps and actions required by NDCC 57-28 and talk about potential problems that may arise during the process.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

New CEO Introduction & NDIRF Strategic Plan Review (1 Hour) - Get to know the NDIRF’s new CEO Keith Pic! In this presentation, you’ll learn more about Pic, including his professional background and experience within the walls of the NDIRF. Then, Pic will review the organization's mission, achievements, and current strategic plan and present his vision for the future and explain how his vision aligns with the NDIRF’s strategic objectives. Pic will also unveil the NDIRF’s developing government relations plan, emphasizing the importance of engaging with elected officials and encouraging member engagement in NDIRF education initiatives.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

NDSU Extension: Who We Are and What We Do (1 Hour) - Join us and become aware of the history of NDSU Extension and recognize the importance of Extension to the state’s economy, the world’s food supply and overall societal well-being. You'll learn about the importance of Extension’s statewide county-based network to disseminate research-based information from the NDSU Main Campus and REC’s based on local needs. Understand the NDSU Extension Base Policy language and other guidelines or policies within NDSU Extension that involve extension agents.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Occupational Injury/Illness Incident Investigations (1 Hour) - Investigating a worksite incident— a fatality, injury, illness, or close call— provides employers and workers the opportunity to identify hazards in their operations and shortcomings in their safety and health programs. Most importantly, it enables employers and workers to identify and implement the corrective actions necessary to prevent future incidents. This webinar is appropriate for employees that may be asked to participate in an incident investigation team, but have little or no experience in the investigation of occupational injury/illness.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Open Meetings & Open Records (1 Hour) - All public entities are subject to the Open Meeting and Open Record laws. Assistant Attorney General Annique Lockard will share with you "need to know" information about these laws. Get your questions answered and join us for this important webinar! Note for Commissioners, Auditors, Treasurers & Recorders: This webinar completes your "Open Meetings/Open Records" training requirement. REVISED/UPDATED Live webinar to be offered late spring/early summer after the 2025 Legislative Session.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Organization of Rural Ambulance Service Districts (1 Hour) - In 2023 the Legislature passed a law requiring many ambulance services to form Rural Ambulance Service Districts. This presentation will focus on what the auditors role is in this process.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Organizing Electronic Records (.75 Hour) - This presentation focuses on getting a handle on managing electronic records. Whether you are using share/network drives, 0365 (OneDrive, Teams/SharePoint) or another electronic repository, organization, proper labeling, metadata integrity, and categorizing are key to successfully storing, locating, and managing retention on electronic documents. You’ll be provided with some helpful tips and tricks to get started, clean up, or improve your organization’s management of digital records and content.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Payroll 101 (1.25 Hours) - An Introduction to Basic Payroll Concepts! Get your payroll questions answered.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Payroll Year-End (1.25 Hours) - Reminders and tools to make the year-end go smoother.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Prevent Property Disasters: How to Prepare Your Properties for Winter (1 Hour) - North Dakota winters can be harsh, and the effects of a harsh winter can seep into spring (ex. flooding). Hosted by the NDIRF, this session will review common claim types the North Dakota State Fire and Tornado Fund (NDFT) receives throughout the winter and spring and provide you with tips to help prevent these potentially disastrous claims from occurring at your county. This session will specifically cover pipe freeze, snow and ice removal, and sewer backup for occupied and vacant buildings.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Primary Residence Credit (1.25 Hours) - What is this? Who is it for? When do we get it?
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Public Health Law in ND's Local Public Health Units (1 Hour) - Public health law can be complex and authority confusing. NDACo Executive Director Aaron Birst will review responsibilities of North Dakota’s local Boards of Health and local public Health Officers and unravel the ND Century Code as it relates to these roles.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Road Right of Way Legal Issues (1 Hour) - You can hit the road Jack but stay away from the county’s right of way! This presentation will cover common issues counties deal with when it comes to road construction and maintenance as it relates to acquiring property for the motoring public.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Role of the Commissioner (1.25 Hours) - The role of county commissioner comes with many expectations, but no job manual. Join us for an interactive webinar to learn about the roles of a county commissioner, including specifications of the office required by the ND Century Code.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Root Cause Analysis (.75 Hour) - Incident investigations that focus on identifying and correcting root causes, not on finding fault or blame, also improve workplace morale and increase productivity, by demonstrating an employer’s commitment to a safe and healthful workplace. This webinar builds off of the techniques and guidelines learned in the “Occupational Injury/Illness Incident Investigations” webinar and focuses on two key elements: determining the true root causes of the incident and implementing effective corrective actions. This webinar is appropriate for employees that may be asked to participate in an incident investigation team and/or develop root causes and/or corrective actions, but have little or no experience in those tasks.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees
Security Spotlight: Physical and Cyber Security Risk Management Best Practices (1 Hour) - As a public entity, your county is responsible for safely providing in-person and online services and experiences for your community. This webinar will highlight frequent and/or costly physical and cyber security claim types processed by the ND Insurance Reserve Fund (NDIRF) and provide tips to help strengthen your county’s risk management practices to help keep your community members safe in-person or online. This session will be led by NDIRF CEO Brennan Quintus and NDITD Information Security Officer Jessica Newby.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

SIRN 101 (1.5 Hours) - This webinar will explain how the Statewide Interoperable Radio Network (SIRN) will change the landscape and improve communications capabilities amongst emergency responders and dispatch centers across the state through advanced technology and features. Your presenters will provide history on the SIRN project as well as the plan to build-out this new system including the timeline and financial commitment at the local and state levels. Join us to find out more how SIRN will improve emergency communications in your community and our state.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Step Wisely Slip, Trip & Fall Prevention (.75 Hour) - In the United States, 1 out of every 4 workplace injuries are due to slips, trips, and falls. Slips, trips, and falls also account for roughly 1 out of every 7 workplace fatalities. Join us as we talk about how to prevent slips, trips, and falls at work. This presentation was created by the Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust, an organization that has seen a significant decrease in these types of incidents since the creation of their Step Wisely program.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Supervisor Success (1.5 Hours) - What does it take to become a strong supervisor? Supervising a work environment requires skills ranging from basic administrative tasks to leadership, mentoring, communication and so many things in between! Confidence in these skills can make all the difference in creating and maintaining an effective and positive workplace. This webinar is designed to help current supervisors become more effective leaders and assist recently promoted employees with transitioning into supervisory roles more successfully.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

The Donation Dilemma (1 Hour) - Donations! Join us to discuss restrictions on budget authority and what it means to your county.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

The Legislative Process (1.5 Hours) - The highly anticipated Legislative Session begins January 7th. This ILG webinar will provide you with the tools to get familiar with the legislative process and how to find the legislative information you need as well as tips on how to engage with lawmakers. Aaron Birst and Donnell Preskey will also highlight some of the big legislative issues counties will be facing. 
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

USDA Rural Development (1 Hour) - USDA Rural Development Business and Cooperative Programs provide financial backing and technical assistance to stimulate business creation and growth. The programs work through partnerships with public and private community-based organizations and financial institutions to provide financial assistance, business development and technical assistance to rural businesses. Denise Sundeen (B&CP Program Director) will speak about the core programs under the Business and Cooperative Programs such as OneRD Guarantee, Rural Business Development Grants, Rural Energy for America Programs, Value Added Producer Grants, and available Revolving Loan Funds. Ranetta Starr (Community Facility and WEP Program Director) will speak on the Community Facility and Water and Environmental Programs and Melanie BauerDukart (Single Family Housing Program Director) will speak on the Housing Programs.  
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

VA Education Benefits While on the Job (.5 Hour) - We’ll be reviewing the various VA education benefits including the GI Bill™. Join us to learn about the process for getting your organization approved to offer VA education benefits to your trainees.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Worksite Wellness - Part 1 (1.25 Hours) - Boost your worksite productivity while reducing healthcare costs! This two-part webinar series will review the impact of worksite wellness programs on business performance and healthcare costs, explore various techniques and strategies, and share lessons learned.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

Worksite Wellness - Part 2 (1 Hour) - Boost your worksite productivity while reducing healthcare costs! This two-part webinar series will review the impact of worksite wellness programs on business performance and healthcare costs, explore various techniques and strategies, and share lessons learned.
Cost: FREE to County Officials & Employees

WOW Onboarding (1.25 Hours) - We know that better onboarding experiences lead to better hires and great engagement. During this webinar we will focus on key characteristics that create wow-worthy onboarding experiences for new hires, allowing faster immersion and greater retention!
Cost: $40 to County Officials & Employees